Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) endorsed an ultra-low energy ‘Passive House’ concept for the new hall late last year. Since then, Council officers have been working to turn this aspiration into a detailed project plan for what may well be one of the first community facilities built and certified to Passive House standard anywhere in Aotearoa New Zealand. Richard Pope …
2019 September 9 Building Green: People Want a Greener Future but Don’t Know How to Get There
“Perhaps most disappointing for building professionals were responses about the impact of green building on the environment, people, and communities. “Only 11% of respondents associate words like ‘green building’ and ‘green space’ with creating an environment in which people live longer and healthier lives. This is far below other phrases, which people do associate with the environment—like recycling (45%), water …
29 August 2019 NZ Herald’s Anne Gibson: Why a Henderson mother won $13k from her landlords: 22 separate issues at rental property
“A house with leaking and damaged gutters, rotting window frames, illegal stairs, a sagging and mouldy ceiling, rotting weatherboards, a rotten toilet floor and exposed electrical board have earned a stiff penalty for the landlords who rented it out.” “Landlords Ross and Sally Craigie must pay tenant Bjana Thompson $13,020.44 for breaching the Residential Tenancies Act by failing to maintain …
27 August 2019 The Fifth Estate’s Poppy Johnston: NSW gets its first Certified Passive House homes
Congratulations to Joe Mercieca of Blue Eco Homes for Sapphire Passive House in the Blue Mountains and Andy Marlow of Envirotecture for the Thornleigh house. The article states that “The certification of these two buildings brings the total number of Passive House Certified buildings in Australia to 18. ” with a “a pipeline of hundreds of Passive House buildings in various …
15 August 2019 News Hub’s Mel Logan & Dan Satherley: Damp, mouldy homes blamed for high rate of kids with respiratory infections
1600 extra death per year 20% of serious respiratory infections prevented. Seems like warm dry healthy homes would cheaper than what we do now. Content by News Hub.
12 August 2019: Seriously the mould is a design flaw not the tenant
Humorous comment that matches my maxim of buildings should be durable without requiring crazy intervention from the occupants. I still remember one of mates telling me the reason for mould in one of their rentals is the tenants closed the windows while sleeping – seriously he expected them to open their windows while sleeping all winter long in a neighborhood …
27 July 2019 NZ Herald: Kids doing it tough in winter
“A two-year-old born prematurely with a chronic lung condition has been hospitalised multiple times this year. Part of the problem is that the child is sleeping on a damp mattress…” Replacing the mattress is great but the new one will get damp as well due to the poor design of our homes. It is not the occupants fault. Yes there …
08 July 2019 Stuff’s Ellen O’Dwyer: Cold and ill but bill puts heat pump off limits
-3C – barely insulated house and no heating. The cost of electricity and line charges in that area is wild but so is running a unflued portable propane heater inside your home. “The house has a heat pump, but Jack and Sylvia, both 82 years old, can’t afford to use it.” “In May, the cost for their lines exceeded the …
29 June 2019 Otago Daily Times’ Kim Dungey: Homely as it gets
Great article on the Hawera Passive House build that is the first in New Zealand to target the Passive House Premium build. We are looking forward to reviewing the final documentation and, if they meet the standard, awarding them the first Passive House Premium certification. Great team with a well designed home and we wish them well. View Case Study …