bim2PH – the new connection between BIM and PHPP

16 April 2019 by Jason Quinn

One consistent request from folks running Revit and using PHPP is a way to export surfaces from Revit (or any other BIM software that can export an IFC formatted file) directly to PHPP. This was once possible with some expensive Revit extensions but will now be much more straightforward and inexpensive with BIM2PHPP. As we are an engineering practice focused on building science we have standardized on Sketchup but it is good to finally have a solution for my Architect and CAD jockey mates to be able to skip Sketchup and jump directly into PHPP. Note that with the release of designPH 2.0 they will miss out on the awesome shading improvements but that’s the choice.

“bim2PH is the new BIM Tool developed by the Passive House Institute, which aims to allow data entry in 3D BIM software and transfer information for the energy balance calculation and efficiency design into the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP). Based on the IFC format as data interchange format, a platform independent interface concept has been developed. “

Read more in Passivhaus Institut.

Comments 4

  1. Thanks for this news; it’s positive development. Is bim2PH and component of PHPP or is it a standalone application? I can’t find any information for purchase or download.

  2. Post

    It is definitely a stand-alone application. The idea is you will import an ICF file exported from Revit et al using a template file and then BIM2PH will spit out a PPP file (just like designPH does from SketchUp) which you can then import into PHPP.

    Apologies I should have made it clear that it is not released just yet – I’m expecting 5th of May at the PHI conference in Heidelberg.

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