We want more Passive House champions! Resources will be released this summer to make it easier for select professionals to present the benefits and details of the Passive House standard. I’m currently working on a PowerPoint presentation—full slides, plus speaker’s notes—that will be available for certified Passive House professionals to use.
Basically, we want to make it easier for you to inspire more of your clients to build (and certify) to the Passive House standard—or at the very least, understand the value of energy modelling at design stage and be willing to pay for that. These materials will be geared to ‘lunch-and-learn’ style presentations that currently certified Passive House designers, consultants and tradespeople can give to potential clients or their colleagues and employees.
The prerequisite is attending an hour-long training webinar on how to effectively spread the Passive House message and agreeing to the T&C of using the materials. The webinar will not be available on-demand, so if you are eligible to join this circle of Passive House champions, make sure you sign up and show up.
Mark the webinar in your calendar now: Thursday 13 February 12.30-1.30pm. Information on how to register will be found in our January newsletter and social media feeds.
Sustainable Engineering is sponsoring this as part of our education services. The whole Passive House community benefits when everyone talks about the standard and its benefits in an accurate, consistent, effective way. Our team has really taken on board the advice Jess Berentson-Shaw offered at the recent PHINZ conference. The presentation materials will follow her direction: changing the frame, avoiding debating myths or negative ideas, selling the cake not the ingredients. Rachel Rose, who specialises in communicating Passive House ideas, will be consulting on the project to make sure the speaker’s notes and slides are clear and engaging. And it will all be thoroughly peer-reviewed at the end: you can trust this content will be accurate, reliable and easy to present.
Comments 1
I’m looking forward to the webinar. Any and all advice and messaging techniques are helpful.
I live in California. Passive House isn’t recognized as a special category in California’s building code and so all PHs build in California have to undergo duplicative documentation and modelling costs (i.e. to satisfy Calif code and PH certification). So a campaign has begun urging the State Legislature to add an alternative code-compliant pathway for Passive House into the baseline code.