
Documentation required for a Certified Passive House - single family home/duplex level of project

For larger projects a more formal photograph and documentation process is appropriate. Please ask your Certifier for a folder setup and what would specifically be required.  Visit Page→

A Great Passive House Certification Submission

This is a short guide to how to provide an ideal (great) Passive House Certification submission. The same advice applied for enerPHit and PHI Low Energy Building Certification. Watch Video →

Complete example Certified Passive House submission

Every file so that you can see what a good submission should look like. (In our opinion anyway). Visit Page →

PH Ventilation Rates And MVHR Commissioning

Passive House ventilation rates - knowing which rate you need to commission at; Then completing the Final Protocol Ventilation Rates sheet; measuring the actual flow rates and completing the form for certification. Watch Video →

Understanding Air Leakage (Blower Door) Test Reports

Short video of what we look for in Passive House Certifications in Air Leakage test reports. Watch Video →

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