Heat pump modelling has become more difficult since PHPP version 10 disallowed the entry of standard data. The tool PHI designed to assist doesn’t work well for New Zealand and Australian projects as the heat pump suppliers do not have the data calculated to the EU standards. Sustainable Engineering Ltd has developed resources to start to remedy this situation, developing a database for heat pump performance data and a verification tool.
This webinar delves into some technical detail of how heat pumps are processed in PHPP. Plus we demonstrate how to use these resources save time and effort and help you enter more accurate, reliable results into the heat pump worksheet.
Overall learning outcome
The webinar will enable participants to more quickly and accurately complete the heat pump worksheet in PHPP, by understanding how to use the heat pump supplier database and Sustainable Engineering Ltd’s heat pump data verification tool.
On completion, participants will:
- understand how PHPP uses heat pump performance data;
- know where and how to source reliable heat pump data in Aotearoa New Zealand;
- be capable of using the Sustainable Engineering Ltd heat pump database to streamline data entry into the PHPP heat pump worksheet;
- be familiar with methods for verifying data values; and
- recognise how over-sizing cooling equipment leads to poor performance and low seasonal COP values in PHPP.
Webinar structure
90 mins including time for questions. It is offered live on 5 March 2025, 12.30–2.00pm and will be available to watch again on demand for participants who wish to review the material.
Essential prerequisites
This webinar is aimed at certified Passive House designers or consultants proficient with PHPP software.
The cost to attend the webinar is $75 (plus GST). There is no charge for students who completed the Advanced PHPP course relaunched in September 2024.
The webinar assumes participants have basic computer skills and are familiar with using PHPP software.
All materials are copyright and may not be accessed by any one other than the registered course participant.
Your instructor
The webinar will be led by Carlin Osborne, assisted by the wider Sustainable Engineering Ltd team. Carlin is the senior building energy modelling analyst who comes to the Sustainable Engineering Ltd team from a background in building services consulting. He is experienced in hydraulic and mechanical services design and with a range of energy modelling tools and has a BE(Hons) degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Auckland.
How to apply
Limitations, liability and copyright
The course materials including videos represent a significant investment in intellectual property. They are copyright and may not be shared with anyone.
In general, this course material is provided under our website terms and conditions, and we wish to highlight two points in particular:
The authors of the information in this course have used their best efforts to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. While reasonable care has been taken to provide accurate information, the author(s) and Sustainable Engineering Ltd make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the information provided being suitable for any particular purpose. The information presented must be used with care by professionals who understand the implications of what they are doing. The author(s) and Sustainable Engineering Ltd shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising from, the use of the information contained in this course.
This online course(s) are delivered to you under a limited, non-transferable, single-user licence to access such course(s) for your own use only in accordance with our Terms and Conditions as posted on our website. You are permitted to display, download, and print the files provided under the condition that such activity is for your personal or internal business purposes. You may not modify or prepare derivative works or otherwise re-distribute or publicly display the content.