The South Pacific Passive House Conference in Wellington was epic and is going to help move the bar with high performance building in New Zealand and Australia. Andy pulled together a great summary of the conference and PHINZ is going to post the papers so those of you that missed can at least read up on the conference.
There were many great presentations but the two that impacted me the most were the opening presentation by Jess Berentson-Shaw on “How to talk about Passive House: the science of story” and nearly the last presentation by Rochelle Ade on “At what cost? A review of the potential cost of Passive House on social housing projects”. I’ll be thinking on these topics and reviewing their papers several times over this current year.
The toolbox presentation went really well and I hope that the next conference in Australia (Sydney) can build on this and make space for builders and tradespersons to participate. We need both science, architecture and builders to work together to make this revolution a reality.
In a political world where ‘it’s the economy, stupid’ the argument for a higher proportion of locally made products in buildings that also guarantees a higher performance and lower energy outcome seems like a no-brainer…..but then logic too rarely applies in our corner of the
worl d.
Passive House always inspires because of its potential is to make societal scale improvements in human health while slashing energy use.
Content by Envirotecture.