I’m helping to set up a session of hands on builders to each speak for 5 minutes at the next Passive House Conference in Wellington (9th and 10th of February). The concept is to have some real hands on discussion from folks actually building Certified Passive Houses rather than all the talks being from design folks. You would all be speaking together and each of you would step forward, speak for 5 minutes on your slides and then stand together for questions for a few minutes at the end. A building that is/was intended to be certified but wasn’t or is not yet is acceptable.
To make it easier I’ll provide a slide set as pdf and powerpoint. If you are not into computers I can have your three or four slide set put together for you. Just send me the photos and a cell photo of some legible writing. The whole point is to lower the barrier to presenting at the conference.
Please email me with your thoughts and a photo or two saying you want to speak at the South Pacific Passive House Conference in Wellington (9th and 10th of February). You are committing to going to the Passive House Conference in Wellington if selected. Secretly I’d like to have TWO sessions each with four builders but we’ll see how it goes. Oh, just in case it wasn’t clear this is only open to actual hands on builders not their business partner etc.
Send it right away – DEADLINE end of September. We’ll need to make a decision on who will present and see if we can swing TWO sessions by the end of September. (To be clear the conference group has only agreed to one session at this point.)
Read more on this link.