We drafted this article for InHouse Magazine back in 2012 on our first Passive House project, Passive House Taupo. Kim Feldborg, who is now a friend of ours, has designed an incredible home up there. Essentially, we did the Math and Physics modelling for the building for him. Great project, beautiful build, and a large home that requires almost no …
21 August 2012 Taupo Times article on Passive House Taupo a “heating bill … less than that old beer fridge”
“Jason Quinn estimates the heating bill for Passive House (Passivhaus) Taupo will be less than running that old beer fridge out in the shed.” In 2018, after 4 winters, we know this is true. This article packs a lot of information into a small space but I’d argue the heating energy reduction in Passive House Taupo is not 80% as …