The Committee on Climate Change said: “The Government should act now to set an ambitious trajectory of standards, regulations and targets for new homes, ensuring they are fit for 2050 and beyond.” It also called for a “near complete decarbonisation of how we heat our homes”. It also stated: “Our homes must be low-carbon, energy efficient, have safe moisture levels, excellent indoor environmental quality, and be climate resilient. This is not happening at present.”
‘As-built’ performance should be formally integrated into the standards and enforcement framework. It is critical that stronger compliance and enforcement procedures, with greater levels of inspection and heavy penalties where appropriate, are in place,”
If we are serious in New Zealand about hitting a fully renewable energy society so that we can moderate climate change and not sink out pacific neighbors we need to think ahead a few years. The buildings we design and build now will be the ones we have for the next 80-200+ years. Building to the current building code is going to make it harder to meet our targets on CO2 emissions. Making out buildings perform to the Passive House Standard and then adding Renewable energy where it makes sense in our economy is one of the only profit making ways to reduce CO2 emissions in our economy and needs to happen.
Content by Passive House +.