Passive House (Passivhaus) Hospitals

4 May 2020 by Jason Quinn
Passive House Hospitals can have a 40-50% reduction in total energy use of the building, using efficient technologies already available, when compared to a conventional new hospital building. I’ve been encouraged by questions from various health boards and government here in NZ to provide information and connect them to the designers of the Passive House Hospital in Frankfurt (Passive House Institute in Darmstadt). I thought it would be useful to a wider audience to view/read the overviews.
First, here is a really excellent video on the first Passive House Hospital in Frankfurt. Now you will hear it’s in German but the English closed caption is excellent so take a moment and click the CC button.



Oliver Kah ( who is the PHI specialist an author of the extended guideline on Hospitals and is working on the Höchst project) in interviewed throughout the video.


Secondly, the best summary resource is the Passipedia article on the Frankfurt hospital:



This bar graph shows example of energy demand values from all energy applications in a hospital (EnEV: reference in accordance with the German EnEV 2009). from the iPHA article

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