Section 1: The Problem
- Braw, E (2014) Swedish city builds ‘passive houses’ as part of ambitious CO2 reduction targets. The Guardian. Retrieved from (Even more recent homes built to the current Building Code…)
- Nichol, R
(2017) 1600 deaths attributed to cold houses each winter in New Zealand. Noted. Retrieved from (At less than 12° C, there is a higher risk of…) - Griffin, P. (2009, March 27). Cold houses and impact on health. Science Media Centre. Retrieved from (World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines call for an…)
- Winter Temperatures in New Zealand Houses, French, L.J., et al. 2006 (BRANZ researchers installed temperature loggers in a representative…)
- Griffin, P. (2009). Cold houses and impact on health. Science Media Centre. Retrieved from (The effects fall more heavily on the poor: Those who…)
- Damp homes and health risks. (n.d.). Retrieved from (Damp: Cold houses are usually…)
- Griffin, P. (2009). Cold houses and impact on health. Retrieved from (nearly a third of New Zealand homes are…)
- Asthma Foundation NZ. (n.d.). Retrieved from (One in six New Zealanders are sick with…)
- 1:625 PACIFICA VS 1:3000 GENERAL POP (Respiratory illness includes asthma, pneumonia and bronchiectasis, a
life-threat- ening disease…) - BRANZ (Mouldy: A third of New Zealand homes contain…)
- BRANZ SR386 Could damp homes be too cold (Mould follows damp; it is nearly impossible…)
- Mould within the building envelope … or when moisture protection goes wrong,” Dr. Heike Neumeister-Kemp, AIRAH Building Physics Forum, Wollongong, 22Feb2018.
- The Big Smoke: New Zealand Cities, 1840-1920 (2016) (Evidence from the time attests to early New Zealand cottages being under…)
- Nichol R
(2017) 1600 deaths attributed to cold houses each winter in New Zealand. Noted. Retrieved from (Leading health researcher Professor Phillipa Howden-Chapman told The Listener…) - Phil Twyford promises
crackdown on building materials costs (2018). NewsHub. Retrieved from (Building material costs alone are…) - (sufficient for him to call for a market study…)
- Moon G (2016) The height of New Zealand towns. Retrieved from (New Zealand spans a wide latitude…)
- Branz Ltd (2018) Climate should influence building form and location on site, material choices, window/door size and placement, and loading and bracing requirements. Retrieved from (Our geography creates a wide range…)
- McNeil S (2016) Combating internal moisture. Retrieved from (BRANZ began to acknowledge the problem…)
Section 2: A Solution
- Braw E (2014) Swedish city builds ‘passive houses’ as part of ambitious CO2 reduction targets. The Guardian. Retrieved from (The EU has directed that all new buildings…)
- Latimer C (2018) Can the power grid survive another heatwave
?Sydney Morning Herald.Retrived from (South-eastern Australia has suffered prolonged heatwaves during…) - Reuters (2017) Australian heatwave triggers extreme power price spike, load shedding. RCMA Group. Retrieved from (Wholesale power prices soared to an unprecedented $AUD14 per…)
- Hannam P (2017) Sydney weather: Energy Minister pleads for help to avoid heatwave power blackout. Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from (compared to a more typical…)
- Westbrook T (2018) Radford J (2018) Heatwave tests Australia’s power grid. Reuters. Retrieved from (despite expansions to the grid’s capacity…)