PH4NZ — References

24 January 2019 by Jason Quinn

Section 1: The Problem

  1. Braw, E (2014) Swedish city builds ‘passive houses’ as part of ambitious CO2 reduction targets. The Guardian. Retrieved from (Even more recent homes built to the current Building Code…)
  2. Nichol, R (2017) 1600 deaths attributed to cold houses each winter in New Zealand. Noted. Retrieved from (At less than 12° C, there is a higher risk of…)
  3. Griffin, P. (2009, March 27). Cold houses and impact on health. Science Media Centre. Retrieved from (World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines call for an…)
  4. Winter Temperatures in New Zealand Houses, French, L.J., et al. 2006 (BRANZ researchers installed temperature loggers in a representative…)
  5. Griffin, P. (2009). Cold houses and impact on health. Science Media Centre. Retrieved from (The effects fall more heavily on the poor: Those who…)
  6. Damp homes and health risks. (n.d.). Retrieved from (Damp: Cold houses are usually…)
  7. Griffin, P. (2009). Cold houses and impact on health. Retrieved from (nearly a third of New Zealand homes are…)
  8. Asthma Foundation NZ. (n.d.). Retrieved from (One in six New Zealanders are sick with…)
  9. 1:625 PACIFICA VS 1:3000 GENERAL POP (Respiratory illness includes asthma, pneumonia and bronchiectasis, a life-threat- ening disease…)
  10. BRANZ (Mouldy: A third of New Zealand homes contain…)
  11. BRANZ SR386 Could damp homes be too cold (Mould follows damp; it is nearly impossible…)
  12. Mould within the building envelope … or when moisture protection goes wrong,” Dr. Heike Neumeister-Kemp, AIRAH Building Physics Forum, Wollongong, 22Feb2018.
  13. The Big Smoke: New Zealand Cities, 1840-1920 (2016) (Evidence from the time attests to early New Zealand cottages being under…)
  14. Nichol R (2017) 1600 deaths attributed to cold houses each winter in New Zealand. Noted. Retrieved from (Leading health researcher Professor Phillipa Howden-Chapman told The Listener…)
  15. Phil Twyford promises crackdown on building materials costs (2018). NewsHub. Retrieved from (Building material costs alone are…)
  16. (sufficient for him to call for a market study…)
  17. Moon G (2016) The height of New Zealand towns. Retrieved from (New Zealand spans a wide latitude…)
  18. Branz Ltd (2018) Climate should influence building form and location on site, material choices, window/door size and placement, and loading and bracing requirements. Retrieved from (Our geography creates a wide range…)
  19. McNeil S (2016) Combating internal moisture. Retrieved from (BRANZ began to acknowledge the problem…)

Section 2: A Solution

  1. Braw E (2014) Swedish city builds ‘passive houses’ as part of ambitious CO2 reduction targets. The Guardian. Retrieved from (The EU has directed that all new buildings…)
  2. Latimer C (2018) Can the power grid survive another heatwave?Sydney Morning Herald. Retrived from (South-eastern Australia has suffered prolonged heatwaves during…)
  3. Reuters (2017) Australian heatwave triggers extreme power price spike, load shedding. RCMA Group. Retrieved from (Wholesale power prices soared to an unprecedented $AUD14 per…)
  4. Hannam P (2017) Sydney weather: Energy Minister pleads for help to avoid heatwave power blackout. Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from (compared to a more typical…)
  5. Westbrook T (2018) Radford J (2018) Heatwave tests Australia’s power grid. Reuters. Retrieved from (despite expansions to the grid’s capacity…)