Newly released standard AS/NZS 5141:2018
Residential heating and cooling systems – Minimum applications and requirements for energy efficiency, performance and comfort criteria
Specifies requirements for the design, selection, installation, commissioning and maintenance of residential heating and cooling systems to maximize operating energy efficiency within residential buildings. It also sets requirements to achieve prescribed performance and comfort criteria. This standard includes requirements for ducted systems. It does not include design and performance requirements for evaporative coolers as defined by AS 2913.
Standards Australia CEO Dr Bronwyn Evans says the standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee EE-001, Residential Air Conditioning.
“This standard sets out the requirements for the design, selection, installation, commissioning and maintenance of residential climate control heating, cooling and air conditioning systems,” Dr Evans says.
“Maximising the energy efficiency of these systems was a key consideration by the committee, as well as the safety and comfort of building occupants.”
AIRAH’s executive manager – government and technical services Phil Wilkinson, F.AIRAH, says the climate control systems standard has definable intent, and the potential for substantial impact.
“It’s so exciting that this long-term project has reached this stage,” Wilkinson says. “A residential climate control standard will help ameliorate Australia’s much-discussed cost-of-energy and peak-demand issues.
“At the same time, setting minimum standards for energy efficiency for climate control systems will offer greater consumer protection. This is particularly the case for those who are vulnerable to the effects of extreme-heat days, such as the elderly.
“Another impact of having clearly defined minimum application requirements for residential climate control is that even greater rigour will be applied to our industry. The fly-by-nighters, cowboys and unscrupulous operators will hopefully be driven out of the industry for good. Residential climate-control systems such as air conditioners and heaters should always be installed by those with an Australian Refrigeration Council licence, but unfortunately, that isn’t always the case.”
Read more in AIRAH.