Wonderful article from Stuff on the Sole Family Passivhaus in Christchurch. The Soles built a well-above-Code home about 10 years previously, but decided to go all the way on this, their forever home. Our case study has all the technical detail.
Great to read that that the Soles are happy with their home, which “Nadia says is functioning ‘exactly how we hoped. Every room in the home is at the same temperature, year-round.’
“Nadia says living in a house with a year-round steady temperature can make leaving the house a shock. ‘Sometimes you go to leave the house, and you go, oh my gosh. It’s freezing and you’re dressed totally inappropriately.’”
I spotted a cute note for the kids which addressed this same issue, when visiting Jessica and Ben Eyres of Hiberna at their straw bale Passive House in Wanaka last month.