Ways to earn continuing education credits One way to keep your Passive House qualification current

10 October 2024 by Jason Quinn

One way to earn Passive House continuing education credits

Did you know your PHINZ/APA membership gives you access to leading international educational material from iPHA? And if you watch iPHA’s webinars live or very soon after, you’ll earn Passive House continuing education (CE) credits.

Passive House qualification renewal

This is very helpful for Passive House designers/consultants/tradespeople who want to renew their qualification but don’t qualify via the project method because they haven’t yet had a project certified to any of the PHI standards (Passive House/EnerPHit/LEB). The only other renewal pathway is through accumulating (a lot of) CE points. For those Passive House professionals involved in research or who are suppliers, the CE method is the only viable route, so take note.

You earn CE credits when you complete any of Sustainable Engineering Ltd’s expanding range of live and online courses. We are also an PHI-accredited educational provider (as is the esteemed Passive House Academy New Zealand (PHANZ), with which we are joining forces). This also means we are able to renew Passive House qualifications via the project method in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia.

iPHA membership perks

When you sign up with the Passive House industry bodies in Australia or New Zealand, you automatically also become a member of iPHA, the International Passive House Association. It produces free webinars for members and they tend to be quite good (that is, worth watching even if you don’t need the CE credits). This page lists upcoming webinars for the next few months.

If you are accumulating CE credits, you must watch the iPHA webinar live or soon thereafter—while it is still on the webinar platform. Once it is archived to Passipedia, it’s still available for your learning pleasure but you won’t receive any CE credits.

PHI conference presentations online

Many of the 2024 PHI conference presentations will also be posted to Passipedia at the new Speakers Corner. I’ve already seen many of these presentations and I’m looking forward to re-watching some of the best.

From Passipedia:

Welcome to the Speakers’ Corner! Here you can find lectures from the past International Passive House Conferences. Listen to Passive House experts sharing their innovative research and perspectives on a whole range of different topics! Access to the Speakers’ Corner is free of charge. iPHA members get preferential access to each video at an earlier date before it is officially published. We hope you enjoy our new conference lecture series!

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