Here’s a nice round up from Stuff, who talked to people living in Dunedin’s Toiora High Street co-housing development, which is certified Passive House. Stuff has covered this project well and it’s great that journalist Colleen Hawkes went back to ask how residents were liking their new homes after a year of living there.
The answer? Very much indeed. The sub-editor chose to headline the story with how much money Jessica and James Ross are saving on electricity each month. It’s substantial: between $300 and $500.
But the Passive House proposition is also about people’s comfort and wellbeing. And that does come through in residents’ comments about how much they appreciate every room in the house being warm and it being comfortable inside no matter the outside temperature.
Final word to Jessica Ross: “We walk in the door, and I’m still like ‘wow, is this where I live? …Even after a year of living here, it feels like a dream”.