Stuff ran an impressively long and well-researched story on Passive House and the need for net-zero buildings this week; it’s well worth a read in its entirety and a plug on your social media feed.
Good to see the Dunedin co-housing build steadily progressing; wouldn’t it be great if all new homeowners could enjoy living somewhere that functioned as well as these apartments will?
It was also pleasing to see the issues and possibilities involved in retrofitting older homes raised. And I was glad to be requoted about the changes we need to see to the Building Code.
If you want to dig deeper into any of the issues I’m quoted on, here’s a reading list:
- NZ buildings’ carbon budget
- the need to change the building code
- why PH apartment blocks may be cheaper to build
Lastly, we have more detail about the Ivanier’s house, the first certified Passive House in New Zealand, which features in the story.
—Jason Quinn, 25 June 2020