202501 TM59 rules the cool
202411 Fix the Building Code itself
202410 Approach cooling equipment sizing with care
202409 Good data required to prove thermal performance of rigid insulation
202408 We explain The Carbonator
202407 How to calculate lifts in PHPP
202406 New 3D thermal bridge model of insulated slab edge penetrations
202405 Jason Quinn does not like ceiling hatches
202404 Check for vulnerability to moisture build up at design stage to prevent mould and rot issues
202403 H1 energy modelling creates perverse outcomes
202402 Don’t cook your client by confusing g-value and SHGC
202401 Calculating thermal bridge psi values
202311 MVHR acoustic performance: prevent issues because fixing problems is hard
202310 Translating Passive House into building codes, worldwide
202309 Be prepared to meet fRSI requirements
202308 Site shading needs DesignPH
202307 Three things about MVHR specification
202306 Heat pump worksheet in PHPP10
202305 ECCHO validated to international standard, now H1 compliant
202304 H1 finally requires better door performance
202303 H1 moves closer to Passive House
202302 SEL Joinery Database moves to PHPP10
202301 Wall thermal performance is overestimated
202212 ‘22 in review and Jason’s predictions for ‘23
202211 Woodburners and Passive House homes
202210 Good news and bad news about structural steel
202209 Ground sheet calcs in PHPP10
202208 Construction details we’d rather never see again
202207 Ventilation strategies
202206 Let’s talk about LEB and how they’ll get us to zero carbon
202206 PHPP10
202205 Assessing the thermal impact of conductive fasteners
202204 Be a PH Certification superstar
202203 Using PHPP for NZBC H1/VM1 compliance
202203 Embodied carbon: Do it like this, says MBIE
202202 Thermal Bridge Handbooks
202202 Simple change to energy model inputs is needed
202201 Building Code needs absolute energy performance targets
202112 Analysed: H1 Code changes
202111 Window specs database coming online
202110 Entering waffle pod slabs into PHPP
202109 Safely simplifying window data entry in PHPP
202108 Make sure your blower door test meets the standard
202107 Measuring infiltration accurately matters for your PH design
202106 Service cavities deliver multiple benefits
202105 Taking Passive House to everybody
202104 Carbon modelling available at design stage
202103 Better windows AND better installs
202102 Six clauses you should add to your Passive House construction contract
202101 Weighing the environmental cost of cooling
202012 Keep it simple and make it last
202011 High-performance construction details manual
202010 Window spacers: tiny details can have big impact
202009 Brand new Passive House goes to the market
202008 The champions of quality
202007 Barriers to Passive House and how to solve them
202006 Valuing Passive Houses fairly
202005 [II of IV] Detailed design: how to build it
202004 Want to create jobs—and act on climate change? Raise building performance standards
202003 [I of IV] Initial design: putting all the pieces together
202002 Fixing problem buildings needs structural change
202001 That’s enough cargo-cult architecture
201912 Designing for a hotter world
201911 Passive House social housing just got affordable (even on a narrow ‘first costs’ basis)
201910 Life Cycle Analysis shows PH performance still the right choice
201909 Learn from stupid and be better
201908 Supermodels Are Good For Business
201907 More ventilation options now available
201906 Adding insulation: not always good
201905 Passive House Vision Then Costs
201904 Cold spots equal mould spots
201903 Insulation – ‘Pull it out and do it again, without the gaps this time.”
201902 NZBC Climate Regions Are Not Enough For Good Design
201901 Cheapest functional ventilation option for NZ homes
201812 Control Layer Hacks to Building Science
201811 External Condensation On Windows
201810 Rain Inside On Sunny Days: Why the Roof Drips When We Know It Is Not Leaking